Jetbike – Natural
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Jetbike – Natural
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Jetbike – Natural
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Loved by Judges

We are honored that our adventure has been recognized by prestigious competitions such as Distributed Design, Czech Grand Design, Designblok Prague Award and the Rossana Orlandi Guiltless Plastic Prize.
Designblok Awards 22CGD23 AwardDesignblok Award 23Ro prize 23
Check our toys
Vyvinuto maminkami
Developed with mothers
and child psychologists
Rozvoj kretivity
Enhances creativity
Trénuje koncentraci
Trains concentration
and focus
Rozvoj kognitivních funkcí
Develops cognitive
Nabarvi si podle sebe
Customizable with
your own colors
Ze dřeva a eko materiálů
Made from wood
and eco-friendly materials
Vyrobeno v ČR
Made in the
Czech Republic
Pro děti i dospělé
For children
and adults
Workshopy pozadí

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